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(5S & Lean Reform Projects)

Through our Total Handholding concept (THHC) involving our Consultants and Executives

Our Consultants play a guiding role while our Executives become a part of your in-house team and demonstrate how to do

Ten Philosophies of Lean / TPS
  1. Abandon traditional concepts of manufacturing methods.
  2. Don’t find factors that prevent reform but discover how to find to achieve it.
  3. Don’t make excuses, but reject status quo.
  4. Implement the reform plans immediately even if they are not perfect.
  5. Correct mistakes the moment they are found.
  6. Don’t spend money on reform.
  7. Difficulty will give you good ideas.
  8. Ask why five times to determine the root cause.
  9. Ideas of ten people are better than knowledge of one person.
  10. No limitation to reform.
Seven Attitudes of Lean / Toyota Production System
  1. Don’t improve a little, but innovate drastically. Deny the status quo!
  2. Don’t trust current methods! Change your route!
  3. Don’t Protect yourself. Put yourself in customer’s shoes! Market-in Views!
  4. Don’t see the present from the past! See things from the future!
  5. Correct mistakes the moment they are found.
  6. Don’t spend money on reform.
  7. Don’t be content with low defect rate! Try to achieve zero defect!
  8. Don’t take time with analysis! Quick try and amend!
  9. Take your responsibility, and change yourself! Make a self-innovation!