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Guided several organizations in establishing plant layouts in their endeavor to become best-in-class adopting Lean Manufacturing concepts like Flow Production with minimum inventories & quality built into the process, 5S & Mindset Revolution, Visual Management etc. Typical results have been better customer services, higher productivity, increased cost-competitiveness and space savings!
Some of the organizations achieved international recognition winning the ABK-AOTS Award, Deming Prize for Quality etc. through’ above efforts! Several Quality Improvement projects earned national and international laurels.
Provided life to a couple of dying units of a major machine building organization. As a matter of fact, the company has become profitable and vibrant with many orders since then due to higher customer satisfaction!
Saved an organization from wiping out one category of its products from its basket due to massive and chronic quality problems. Incidentally, the same product has become a major business earner in the particular division of the company since then!
Led several Zero Defect projects successfully for a leading Japanese organization in India manufacturing and supplying electrical devices. Through such a drive, the company could save several crores of Rupees by reduction in cost of quality, apart from earning reputation and better market share in its product segment in India! In the process, Torque has earned a unique distinction of serving this organization for the last 4 to 5 years continuously.
Guided to renovate and reform several warehouses by deploying world-class storage systems in manufacturing as well as Third Party Logistic companies. A company could discover Rs. 30 crores worth of hidden inventories and could save a hefty amount of penalty by its customer!
Undertook successfully an experimental project by a leading Third Party Logistic company to train and develop a core team of 12 young executives under exclusive guidance by Torque. Project duration was 6 months, out of which 3 months for class room learning activities for all round development and other 3 months for leading a project by each individual. The project was a grand success based on which Torque was offered to have a joint venture with them.
Torque’s excellence was best demonstrated when a Japanese Logistic company had shown special preference to Torque deploying its resources for a revolutionary change in the mindset among all their senior team members for their India operations.
To disseminate knowledge of Lean / TPS, Torque has organized several seminars to address the needs of many organizations. Torques believes that “Education is the Key”! Thus, apart from such seminars, Torque has been organizing in-plant training programs on concepts, tools & techniques related to 5S, Lean and Quality Management System for the creation of better awareness and sharpening skills of executives of different levels including the operators or the task-performers. Torque also has a distinction of sending its senior consultant for delivering lectures on Lean Management to MBA students of IMS, Ghaziabad.
Naturally, Torque has been recognized by National Productivity Council of India (NPC) as well as Quality Council of India (QCI) as a certified Lean and Quality Service provider!
Torque undertook a week long training on 8D methodology of problem solving and concepts six sigma and Seven Tools of QC at an organization, M/s Pacific Control of Dubai! Torque won this project through global competition!